Musical Instrument Update Urgent
Fantastic Folks we have £1000 donated from 36 people in FastTrad ......
FastTrad is bringing traditional music to all ages, creeds and traditions in North Armagh. A great opportunity would be created to allow expansion and have a supply of new instruments in stock for hire, enabling many students to select their instrument choice for the future. If successful, more instruments e.g. pipes, concertinas, flutes, harps, bodhrans etc. could be available for hire. SO PLEASE SUPPORT THE CHARITY (All Set Cross Cultural Project) IN THIS ENDEAVOUR. A crowdfunding campaign has been launched which is now live, anyone can donate to the cause. There is a more detailed explanation on the crowdfunding link below. Please also share amongst your friends. Thanks and a big thank you to people who have donated already.
All donations will go specifically towards the purchase of instruments for FastTrad. if you would rather donate by some other means please get in touch. If our application is unsuccessful all donations will be returned.
FastTrad needs help in raising funds towards the purchase of musical instruments for classes.